stay safe, stay healthy

Pardon the long delay in releasing updated Carrcroft News. 2020 has been a bit of a bummer.

Like everyone else, the CCA Board has had to adjust to life in the face of this national health crisis. In the interim our contact has been accomplished remotely, via video conference, as we continue to serve the community we all love. In the best interest of everyone’s safety the CCA made the decision to “pause” community forums until further notice. We are in the midst of finalizing the newsletter and plan to distribute that in the coming weeks. In the meantime we encourage you to please submit your civic dues and thank you for your continued support in maintaining our neighborhood.

Once we are able to resume the full community forums the CCA Board will proceed with the formal election process. As always, every member of Carrcroft is welcome to participate so please consider devoting your time to a worthy cause.

- CCA Board