Yard sale, dues and other miscellaneous musings

Life and work often get in the way of posting much on this site. According to Squarespace analytics some people do continue to visit though. So for those who do here are some random thoughts:

  • Yes we are having a yard sale this year. The details are on the Events page and in the Calendar. Communicating such things is difficult because half our residential population prefers physical signs and the other half ignores them (but may read email… or even this site). If you would want to help CCA post some signs about the mall areas we could use your help. Please contact us and thank you!

  • CCA Board participation is in dire shape. COVID hasn’t helped us recruit new members especially as we’ve had limited in person meetings the last few years. We could use more help and fresh ideas so if you have even the slightest desire to serve your community please reach out.

  • It is challenging to keep up with who is new to the neighborhood so please we’d encourage you to let your neighbors know of this site so we can get their information.

  • Dues are being actively collected (as they always are) and are essential for us to maintain the neighborhood. There is a breakdown of what the funds are used for elsewhere on this site. Thanks if you’ve already paid.

  • We may have a fall community forum— this is still being decided, but if we do it will be posted to Events section with full details and agenda.

From the entire CCA Board we wish you well and hope you and your family are enjoying the summer.