Nextdoor and why all social media is terrible.

We live in a day and age where it is far easier to disparage people without knowing the full context of those people’s circumstances and the individual challenges they face. The CCA Board is comprised of volunteers. Period. We take time and expend effort to improve our neighborhood because, well, we live here too and we take pride in our home. It is largely a thankless job. So, for example, when you observe that snowplowing has not been sufficient to your liking we encourage you to reach out via our contact page and please understand that patience is necessary because we are doing our best with limited resources.

This makes it all the more upsetting when people take to social media to chastise VOLUNTEERS who are taking action when a majority of the residents cannot be bothered to lift a finger. It is no fun pleading with people who fail to pay their dues routinely and then to be reprimanded by some of those same people about how the funds are spent and why CCA is not doing more. A better question would be to ask yourself what have I done to ensure our community is succeeding? How can I help?

Over the course of many years this website has been modified to include as much relevant information as is reasonable and while we try to cover everything here it is nearly impossible. There are yearly civic association meetings in which the entire community is invited to attend so we can cover all range of topics; including the financial statements and election of new officers who may have exciting visions for the future of our neighborhood. When these meetings are scheduled they are posted in the EVENTS and CALENDAR sections. But these meetings are only useful if people participate in good faith. Bring questions and concerns and be willing to converse in a friendly atmosphere. Be present and be engaged.